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Maintain 340B Program Compliance in 2018

RxStrategies works with Covered Entities to provide an integrated approach to streamline the delivery of quality care, while maximizing savings and meeting the regulatory challenges associated with 340B program management. RxStrategies’ 340B solutions are key to a comprehensive and compliant 340B program.

 RxStrategies’ CompliancePlus Audit Solution
(Self-Audit Portal)
  • Implement internal processes, controls and protocols that ensure program compliance for internal self-audits (HRSA requirement) and review purposes.
  • Promote the benefits of engaging a broad-based team in program compliance and support.
  • Provide tools for success in each critical HRSA compliance area, including registration, fee-for-service Medicaid exclusions, duplicate discount focus, GPO exclusions and CE audit support.

Read more key elements of our 340B CompliancePlus solution »

For more than a decade, RxStrategies has worked with each CE to create customized 340B solutions to match their specific program goals. Connect with us and schedule a 340B CompliancePlus Demo or Dashboard Analytics Demo.